Eniko T. Enikov, Associate Professor, University of Arizona

in collaboration and with the support of Giampiero Campa, Technical Evangelist, Mathworks Inc.

$$ \copyright $$ 2011 $$ \copyright $$ 2012


Installation Instructions

Assemble the pendulum according to the video instructions provided on the following Youtube Channel. (Instructions in other languages are also available.)

The Aeropendulum is powered by the USB port. It also communicates with MATLAB through a generic USB to Serial driver which comes with the Windows operating system. The target board operates on 32-bit and 64-bit systems, however at this time, only 32-bit versions of Matlab support external mode of Real Time Workshop. To cirucument this limitation, we have developed a new version of the Aeropendulum control interface (AeropendulumSoft.mdl), which operates in "soft" real-time mode with the help of an additional m-function (ms_fun_realtime_pacer.m). This function needs to be present in the Matlab working directory where the AeropendulumSOFT.mdl resides.

The installation process includes the following steps:

The Aeropendulum Target Board

The target board is programmed to respond to commands from the PC. It always receives one byte and depending on its value either sends a PWM command to the motor or returns the voltage of the potentiometer in two bytes (12 bit conversion). For each cycle, MATLAB sends a signed integer. The values from -127 to 127 are converted into a PWM singal from -100% (negative direction) to +100% - positive direction of rotation. The value of -128 is reserved as the command for reading the potentiometer and sending two bytes containing the 12-bits of the ADC result. Since the "Packet Out" block codes integers using two's complement, and wraps around its range, if N is the value at the block input, the value that is sent via serial port is mod(128+N,256)-128. So for example values in from 128 to 255 are mapped in the range from -128 to -1. Therefore, except for the open loop module, all other controllers have a saturation block forcing the control signal to be in the [-127, 127] range.

Mathematical Model

We start by developing a mathematical model of the pendulum:

$$ mL^2\ddot\theta=-mgL\sin\theta -c\dot\theta+KLu, $$

where $$ \theta $$ is the displacement angle, L is the pendulum length and $$ u $$ is the input voltage to the motor. In reality, instead of controlling the voltage, the target board generates a pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal with amplitude of 5 V and a varying duty cycle, which is sent to the motor. Therefore in all subsequent discussions $$ u $$ will denote the value of PWM signal. The coefficient $$ K $$ denotes the conversion of the the PWM signal into a thrust force. This is only an approximate model as this thrust depends also on the relative velocty of the air and hence on the rate of swinging of the pendulum $$ \dot\theta $$. For the purposes of this project, these effects are neglected.

Open Loop Step Response

After activating the Real Time Windows Target environment (one-time activation is sufficient for all subsequent sessions of MATLAB), open the Aeropendulum model

Enter the value 1 in the Control select block and a value between -127 and 127 in the Open Loop source block. Click on the "connect to target" button and run the model. The output angle $$ \theta $$ should be visible in the Scope window. Four signals are exported to the workspace for further processing: (1) the time vector $$ t $$; the input reference angle $$ \theta0 $$; the output angle $$ \theta $$; and the PWM signal sent to the target $$ PWM $$. In command mode you can plot and examine these signals

%xlabel('Time, sec')
%ylabel('Ouput angle, deg')

Initial Parameter Identification

By examining the steady-state behaviour of the system model, it is apparent that we can determine some of the model parameters by running a series of open-loop response tests. Notice that at steady-state, sine of the ouput angle and the input PWM signal follow a linear relationship:

$$ mgL\sin\theta_{ss}=KLu_{ss} $$

Run several experiments by choosing different values of the PWM signal between 0 and 127 and gather the steady-state output angles

u_ss=[0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 127];
theta_ss=[0 0 0 2.5 6.8 10.5 14 20 24.5  29.  33.4 38  42 43];
ylabel('PWM Input')
xlabel('SIN theta_{ss}')

As can be seen, the system has a dead-band, i.e. for small PWM values, the pendulum does not move. The resutling linear curve has a horizonal offset of $$ u_0 $$ and a slope of $$ S=mg/K $$, which are the first two parameters of the model. To estimate them, we use linear curve fitting

plot(sine_ss,u_ss,sine_ss(3:14), polyval(P,sine_ss(3:14)))
legend('Experiment','Linear fit to non-zero segment')
P =

  145.8891   21.9263

Update the Design Parameters block of Aeropendulum.mdl model by entering the values of the parameter $$ S=P(1)=146 $$ and $$ u_0=P(2)=22 $$ found from the above curve fitting.

Model Correction and Feedback Linearization

With the parameters $$ mg/K $$ and $$ u_0 $$ determined, it is now possible to correct the model so that it captures the fact that the pendulum does not move until the input exceeds the value $$ u_0 $$ Specifically, for positive values of the input we have:

$$ mL^2\ddot\theta=-mgL\sin\theta -c\dot\theta+KL\max(0,u-u_0), $$

It is now possible to re-define the control signal such that the nonlinear term $$ \sin(\theta) $$ and the dead-band cancel out. Notice that, assuming $$ u > u_0 $$ if we introduce:

$$ u=u_0+\frac{mg}{K}\sin\theta +\tilde u $$

the model becomes linear:

$$ mL^2\ddot\theta+c\dot\theta+=KL\tilde{u}, $$

Open any of the controller blocks to find the implementation of the feedback linearization in Simulink

Weightless Pendulum (Type 1 system)

In controls terminology, the feedback-linearized open-loop transfer function represents a second-order system of Type 1, i.e. it has an integrator (a pole at the origin). Therefore, if a zero input is presented to it, the output will remain constant, i.e. the pendulum will self-balance itself at any angle. This condition can be used to verify the correct values of the parameters $$ u_0 $$ and $$ S $$. To check this, select input = 2 (proportional controller) and enter a value 0 for the proportional gain $$ K_p $$. Run the model. If the pendulm is balanced, you should be able to move it with your hand and leave it at random positions as shown by the flat portions of the output and PWM signals below

load KP0Response
legend('Input, PWM','Output \theta')

If for some reason your pendulum drops or keeps going up, that means that the either $$ u_0 $$ or $$ S $$ is too low or too high, respectively.

System Identification

The block diagram of the feedback-linearized pendulum model is shown below:

where the two poles are at 0 and $$ -c/mL^2 $$. The root locus of a similar system with a pole at 0 and -1 is shown below

g=tf(1,[1 1 0])
g =
  s^2 + s
Continuous-time transfer function.

For low values of the gain Kp (say Kp=0.1), the system is overdamped and its step response shows no overshoot. Essentially, the system behaves as two first-order systems connected in series


For higher value of the gain Kp (say Kp=2), the sytems is underdamped and its step response shows increasinlgy larger overshoot.


Run the Aeropendulum model for various values of the gain $$ K_p $$ ranging from 0.1 to 2.5 and observe the response.

If accurately feedback-linearized, the pendulum will be overdamped) for $$ K_p =1 $$, and underdamped for $$ K_p=2 $$. Let's indentify its parameters using MATLAB System Identification Toolbox using the $$ K_p=1 $$ experiment.

Set the reference input $$ \theta0=30 $$ and $$ K_p=1 $$ and run the experiment. The respone of the unit-feedback system should be available in the workspace. You need about 10 seconds worth of data.

load KP1Response
% Create a data object to be used for system identification
DAT = iddata(theta,theta0,0.01);
% Use 'p2' for two overdamped poles,
% 'p2u' for a system with two underdamped poles
% Extract a predicion-estimate model of the system using
% the assumed form of overdamped system
m1 = pem(DAT,'p2')
% Convert the model to state space description CL
% Convert state space description to transfer function
[n1 d1]=ss2tf(CL.A,CL.B,CL.C,CL.D,1)
% Ingore n1(1) and n1(2) due to being very small
% Simulate response from the model and compare with experiment
legend('Estimated Model Response','Experiment','location','SouthEast')
title('Based on Overdamped Model')
Warning: There is an indication of underdamped modes in the model.
Consider including a "U" string in the "Type" value when generating
the model. 

m1 =
Process model with transfer function:
G(s) = ------------------            
       Kp = 0.98609                  
      Tp1 = 0.47209                  
      Tp2 = 0.47207                  

   Number of free coefficients: 3
   Use "getpvec", "getcov" for parameters and their uncertainties.

Estimated using PROCEST on time domain data "DAT".
Fit to estimation data: 80.7% (prediction focus)  
FPE: 4.116, MSE: 2.617                            

n1 =

         0         0    4.4247

d1 =

    1.0000    4.2366    4.4871

gCL =
  s^2 + 4.237 s + 4.487
Continuous-time transfer function.

Now let's try to estimate the system assuming it is underdamped

m1 = pem(DAT,'p2u')
[n1 d1]=ss2tf(CL.A,CL.B,CL.C,CL.D,1)
legend('Estimated Model Response','Experiment','location','SouthEast')
title('Based on Underdamped Model')
m1 =
Process model with transfer function:
G(s) = ----------------------        
       Kp = 0.99938                  
       Tw = 0.43321                  
     Zeta = 0.79015                  

   Number of free coefficients: 3
   Use "getpvec", "getcov" for parameters and their uncertainties.

Estimated using PROCEST on time domain data "DAT".
Fit to estimation data: 91.84% (prediction focus) 
FPE: 0.473, MSE: 0.468                            

n1 =

         0         0    5.3251

d1 =

    1.0000    3.6479    5.3285

gCL =
  s^2 + 3.648 s + 5.328
Continuous-time transfer function.

A much better agreement is obtained using the underdampced model with large damping, altough there are still noticeble differences.

load KP3Response
%  Based on the observed differences between expected stabiltiy and the
%  response of the system we conclude that the system must be of higher
%  order. Nevertheless, we can design a dynamic compenstator based on the
%  imperfect model derived so far.

Design of Dynamic Compensator: Lag Compensator

Using the derived model gCL, one can obtain the open loop transfer
function using a positive feeback.
gOL =
  s^2 + 3.648 s + 0.003326
Continuous-time transfer function.

Notice the small value of the constant term of the denominator. For a type 1 system this term should be zero. The reason for a non-zero, but small value is the fact that the feedback linearization is not perfect, i.e. the gravitational force is not fully compensated by the feedback.

For the design of a dynamic compensator we can use the SISO tool. Use the following command to open SISOtool in "bode" mode in import the open loop transfer function.


As evident, the system has 70 degrees of phase margin and will be stable under unit feedback.

Using the SISOtool GUI, place a dominant pole at -0.06 , a zero at -0.48 and adjust the gain so that the gain cross-over frequency is 1. Export the compensator C to the workspace variable Clag and convert to a discrete transfer function using c2d

load Controllers
Clag =
  0.82575 (s+0.4771)
Continuous-time zero/pole/gain model.

clagd =
  0.82575 (z-0.9952)
Sample time: 0.01 seconds
Discrete-time zero/pole/gain model.

Examine the effect of the compensator by comparing Bode plots of the uncompensated and compenstated systems.

legend('Open Loop','CL with Lag')

Run the Aeropendulum with input selector set to 3 to see the effect of the lag compensator.

load lagresponse
legend('Input, PWM','Output \theta')

Design of Dynamic Compensator: Lead Compensator

Clear the SISOtool design by selecting Design->Clear->C Place a dominant zero at -2.33 and a less dominant pole at -15.23. Adjust the gain until the gain cross over frequency is at 5 rad/s. Export the model to Clead using the Export option and convert the continuous compensator into a discrete one

clead =
  16.979 (z-0.9784)
Sample time: 0.01 seconds
Discrete-time zero/pole/gain model.

Examine the effect of the compensator by comparing Bode plots of the uncompensated and compenstated systems.

legend('Open Loop','CL with Lead')

Run the Aeropendulum with input selector set to 3 to see the effect of the lag compensator.

load Leadresponse
legend('Input, PWM','Output \theta')

Advanced Studies: State-Space Controller and Observer Design

Comming soon.

Further Studies

Through this example you have seen the use of system identification toolbox to extract a model of the system. As you might have noticed the overdamped second-order model did not fit well the experiment. While the underdamped version produced a better match, the fit was still not perfect. If you examine the discrepancies, you would notice that the difference occurs mainly at the beginning and the end of the step response. This pointts towards a faster dynamics that is not captured in the present model. The most obvious culprit is the propeller rotor dynamics, which in itself is a second order system. Therefore, one would expect that a fourth order model (two additional poles) would be required in order to better model the system.

Pendulum Order Form, Inquiries, and Related Links

Pendululum kits can be purchased by filling out the following Order Form and faxing it to +1(520)621-2236.

Additional Resources: